The Use of Force
by William Carlos Williams

This story is about a doctor and his patient which is a little girl. I won't go too long for the plot of the story. I'm gonna keep it short. So here it goes.

The doctor arrived at the house of his patient. There he saw his patient sitting on the lap of his father and that patient is a little girl. The parents where worried about their child for being sick, having a fever for three days and they don't know where it comes from. The doctor seems to know what the problem is. The child might be having a soar throat so he asked the parents if their child's throat hurt her but the patient answered no. The reason why the doctor asked about the throat is that there have been cases of diphtheria.  To make sure of it, the doctor would like to see Mathilda's throat, who is the little girl. First, they asked her in a professional manner and in a kind way to open up her mouth. But Mathilda refused to. The doctor tried again and still his patient won't budge. And the time come when the doctor got pissed off cause the girl won't cooperate. Because of his determination to find out the problem with the girl, and the anger he had from the patient's ignorance, resulted him to use some force when it came to opening up the girl's mouth. He talked to the parents that they need to cooperate with him to use some force and both of the parents agreed with him. And there they go, they forced little Mathilda in opening her mouth and there they saw it, Mathilda is having a soar throat which cause her illness.

I think it is bad forcing a patient to do what the doctor wanted. There may come a time that the patient would be traumatize and don't want to see a doctor again. And also it is hard for the little girl too, maybe the girl is too afraid for her parents or even the doctor to know what's her little secret is.

As for the little girl, I think it would be best for her if she had cooperate with the doctor rather than fighting back and being defensive. It just make the matter worst. Now she had to pay the consequences.


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