Soccer vs Basketball

Soccer vs Basketball

     Today, i'm gonna show you the differences or the opposites of "Soccer" from "Basketball." They are both team sports and they are played with a ball, but in different style. Both have different styles of playing the game. Both have their opposites.


     Both are team sports so they consist lots of players, but in soccer, there are 11 players of each team inside the field while in basketball, there are 5 players of each team inside the court. 
     In terms of the field or court, the game soccer is played on a rectangular field of "grass" or green artificial turf. On the other hand, basketball is also played on a rectangular court, but this time, it's not covered with grass. It can be a cemented floor or an hardwood one (the ones that are used in NBA and other basketball leagues). And also both court came in different size, soccer's court is bigger and wider than the court of basketball.

Basketball court

Soccer field

     Yes, they are both played with a ball but in soccer, you use your feet to dribble the ball and in basketball you use your hands to take control of the ball. In terms of scoring/gaining points, you shoot the ball into the hoop for basketball, and for soccer you kick the ball right into the goal.

Soccer goal

Basketball hoop

     For their uniform and equipment, the soccer players wear t-shirts or long sleeves, can't see them wear jerseys like the basketball players wear, which has no sleeves at all. And also the soccer players wear different kind of shoes. They wear spiked-shoes which are good to wear when you are playing in a field of grass. And for the basketball, they wear, well, basketball shoes. It can be a high-cut or low-cut shoes. It depends on the player where he is more comfortable.

Soccer shoes (spike-shoes)

Basketball shoes

     And also, when it comes to fouls, referees warned the players of soccer by giving them colored cards and while in basketball, the players are given 5 chances to commit fouls, some leagues give 6 fouls to be committed. In soccer, you will be fouled out when you are given a red card and in basketball, you are fouled out (or graduate) when you reach the limit of the given fouls.


{ Ruby Soho } at: February 19, 2011 at 6:09 PM said...

That's a good comparison. Very informative. Thanks.

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